

Crown Seal Public Company Limited is commited to promote best practices in sustainability.Besides customers, employees and suppliers, we also take environment and social into account. To become a sustainable growth business, the company conducts the business in accordance with ESG that concern the impact on the environment, society and governance.
To step into sustainable business development, the company is committed to develop innovative products that can help improve people’s quality of life and also contribute to the solutions of environmental problems.
Crown Seal Public Company Limited has researched and developed new raw materials to produce plastic caps. The caps are produced with current raw material mixed with 30% of Biobased plastic to be part of reducing environmental problems. The caps produced include Aseptic cap for PCO1881 bottle and Drinking water caps (29/25 Closure). In the future, there are plans to expand to other types of caps and increase the amount of Biobased plastic used in the production.

Toyo Seikan realizes the World's First 100% Recycled Aluminum Beverage Can.
Toyo Seikan Group Holdings released the world’s first 100% recycled aluminum can. Toward the realization of a decarbonized and sustainable society, this first of its kind 100% recycled aluminum can was jointly developed by Suntory Spirits Ltd. And UACJ Corporation and emits 60% less CO2 compared to when creating a regular aluminum can.
For more information, please visit

Our commitment is to develop sustainable packaging by using eco-friendly, recyclable or reusable materials and manage the use of energy, water and waste.

Crown Seal Public Company Limited is committed to promote Sustainability Week activity under the concept “Reduce-Change-World”

Coasters Made From Recycled Plastics

Floor Blocks Made From Waste Plastic Caps

Crown Seal Public Company Limited organizes the “Invention Contest from Used Plastic Caps” Continue the Waste Management project based on the circular economy principles help solve environmental problems.
Crown Seal Public Company Limited operates an ethical supply chain by being responsible to employees, customers and suppliers. The company concerns
at the impact a company has on its employees, local communities and society. Health, well-being and safety of employees are our priorities. The company complies with Human and Workplace Rights Guidance.

CSC sharing project

“You Share You Give” project, 4th Year, donated money and stuffs to “Half way home for protection and development of mental disabilities (for female), Pathum Thani province”

Crown Seal Public Company Limited donates drinking water to various communities for the public benefit.

“You Share You Give” project, 3rd Year, donated money and stuffs to Social Welfare Development Center Elderly (Pathumthani)
Crown Seal Public Company Limited complies to good corporate governance to become sustainable organization. The company commits to conduct business based on moral principles and be responsible to all groups of stakeholders in accordance with good corporate governance and the Company’s Code of Conduct emphasis on fair treatment, honesty, transparency and accountability, which is in accordance with the principles of good corporate governance Read more
“Thailand’s Private Sector Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption” to express the intention and determination to combat all forms of corruption.